Toilet Sachets Convenience Easy Pack 1 x 20 Sachets.
Toilet Sachets Convenience Easy Pack 1 x 20 Sachets.
Super concentrated, formaldehyde free biological toilet treatment sachets for tank based and recirculating toilets.
The Problem
Naturally occurring biological compounds are subject to ""decay"" and this process often emits pungent malodours, which create unpleasant working and living environments. Conventional treatments for Coach Toilets usually involve masking compounds, which, while providing temporary relief, attack the symptoms not the cause, and the malodours soon return.
The Solution
Convenience Toilet Sachets
Convenience Deodorising Sachets are an innovative blend of natural friendly microbes, dye and pleasant fragrance. The innovative blend of friendly bacteria incorporated in this product mean that the odours are never given the chance to build. In addition, they also work to break down the harmful compounds in toilet waste into harmless Carbon Dioxide and Water.
How to use
Dose a 20 grams sachet of product into the toilet bowl. Allow the sachet to dissolve. Flush into the toilet tank with a few litres of water.
Empty the waste tank in the normal way at the end of the journey or day.
Extra sachets can be added without any harm to the system
The active ingredients in the sachet are fully biodegradable and non hazardous. The product contains a blend of sugar, dye, fragrance and bacteria.
The product presents no harm to the environment and can be safely handled.
Health & Safety
The Bacterial strains and active ingredients in this product are naturally occurring. You should always observe good housekeeping procedures with this product which includes washing your hands after handling any waste product. This product is not harmful to the environment. For further information, see product Health and Safety data sheet.
This product is NOT a personal hygiene product and should not be used for this purpose